Something I wrote back in the middle of May after a really rough day...
There is always joy in motherhood. But some days can just exhaust. The days where the almost- 3-year-old runs down a steep hill right next to a road and out of my reach and then runs into a big patch of weeds that very likely contain poison ivy and THEN runs right into the parking lot. Days when you take 3 young children to the zoo without a stroller. Days when you have lots of errands to run and a million places to go and it's hot out and everyone is tired. Days when the almost-3-year-old can't quite make it to the bathroom in time and poops all over the carpet just outside the bathroom door and you clean him up only to find he's no where near clean and you go to put him in the bathtub only to find that it's full of the clothes that you left soaking there last night after they got washed with muddy shoes. Those kinds of days are exhausting. Those are the days when I feel all used up - like there just isn't any more of me left to give. Those are the days that I just need to stop and rest. And yet, they still need and so often there isn't rest. The 5-year-old puts the flip flops back on your feet because he wants you to take him outside and that 3-year-old soaking in the bathtub is going to need to be scrubbed and then they'll need attention and dinner and very likely more baths and eventually bedtime will come.
Right now it all brings to mind just how exhausted Jesus was and yet he saw the crowds and had compassion on them. He put off his own rest and lovingly met the needs of those who surrounded him. Oh, Lord. Give me compassion. When I just want to scream (or when I actually do scream) remind me that you continually take such breathtaking compassion on me and give me the grace to lovingly look at the mess and put aside my own rest and have the compassion to meet their needs.
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