"'And you've quite given [writing] up?' asked Christine.
'Not altogether...but I'm writing living epistles now,' said Anne, thinking of Jem and Co."
- Anne of Ingleside, L.M. Montgomery


My Letter to My Kids Part 5


The first part in fulfilling my responsibility of teaching my kids the way is looking at my own life. What am I teaching them through my words, behaviors and actions? If I have really chosen Jesus as my Lord, my master, does my life show it? Do I live as though I trust God to fulfill all of my needs or do I live as though it’s up to me to take care of myself? Do I make my decisions based on what others will think of me or do I make my decisions with the goal of pleasing God alone? Do I live as though God is just God on Sunday mornings, or do I live a life that displays that he is my God every second of every day? Do I carry the burdens of the world on my shoulders, as though without me no one could function, or do I live my life on my knees asking God to take control?  
A lot of times my own answer to these questions is not what I would hope, which begs another question…Do I look for excuses for all of my shortcomings, holding onto the pretense that I’ve got it all under control, or do I humbly admit that I am a flawed and sinful person in need of the grace and forgiveness of God and people and that it is only the blood of Christ that enables me to hold my head up at all? The choice we make on Monday when the mortgage is due and we’re not sure we can make the payment; on Tuesday when no one does their chores at home; on Wednesday when a co-worker makes us angry; on Thursday when everything goes our way; on Friday when we feel like no one really cares about us; on Saturday when we have way too much to do; on Sunday when we do not want to get up and go to church - those decisions will teach our children something and we are responsible for what we teach them. As followers of Christ, we have discovered that life is nothing without Jesus. We must live every day of our lives in a way that makes our dependence on him very evident. We need to make the words from Psalm 19 our prayer for every moment of our lives: “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, Lord.” May every single word we say and every single thought we think please our God.

To Be Continued...

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