A few months ago I ran across a book that I felt compelled to read. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp was not quite what I was expecting. I was ready for a light read that made me think a little, but instead I found words that, within just a few pages, had me in tears. Stories of hurt and anguish and how giving thanks in all circumstances heals wounds and brings us close to God. I knew that "every good and perfect gift is from above" (James 1:17) and I see a whole lot of the good mixed in with the ugly of this world. I know that the little beauties of daily life are gifts from a loving God. What I didn't stop to consider was that I could say thank you for each of them. What would it look like if I stopped to really notice the evidence of God's love that shines all around me in the gifts he has given? What would change in me if I stopped to give thanks particularly in those moments when I least felt like giving thanks? If I thanked God for blessings while boys are knocking each other down and when we are running late and when everything seems to be going wrong?
So, I took up Ann's challenge. I'm keeping my list. Honestly, most of my thanks don't get written down in my book (largely because I'm a weirdo about actually writing things down. I want my book to be pretty and my writing to be neat and to always use the exact same pen, so my journal stays in one place and gets added to when I'm close to it.) I started writing my thanks sometime in late October. Here is the beginning to my list of thanks:
Thank you, God, for...
1. Little boy feet pounding down wooden stairs.
2. Toes fresh from the bath that are clean enough to kiss.
3. Skidamarink holding me tight and tickling my neck with his words: "You are the best mom!"
4. Fuzzy, warm slippers and steaming cups of tea.
5. Holy, indecipherable prayers from two-year-old lips.
6. Breakfast table worship songs.
7. The way bad memories can turn good.
8. Brothers holding hands.
9. Blonde heads in my lap.
10. Cap helping Skid put on socks and shoes.
11. Grandparents.
12. The bright colors of Fall.
13. Little guys dressed as farmers.
14. Eyes the same color as his Daddy's.
15. Strong arms.
16. Early morning cuddle time.
17. "I love you" ' s all around.
18. Long mornings cuddling in pajamas.
19. Baby kicks.
20. The chance to bless others.
21. How hard he works for us.
22. Everyday Easters and four-year-old proclamations that "He is risen!"
23. Roads that take us to loved ones.
24. All the shades of green and brown and the way dirt and decaying plant matter can be beautiful.
25. Morning sickness and back pain and other signs of new life.
26. Happy noise.
27. Generosity of friends.
28. Food on our table.
29. Puffy white on a field of blue.
30. That either way we'll have a home. (When we weren't sure if our new home purchase was going to happen or not.)
31. Every moment on the computer means that he doesn't have to be far from home. (My husband is a seminary student taking online classes.)
32. That you are with us in the waiting.
33. Smiling eyes.
34. The sound of baby's heart.
35. The way even the smallest can bless.
36. Running water.
37. That I get to share the daylight with my kids.
38. That he takes care of the mouse traps.
39. A warm home and hot drinks.
40. Kids wearing halloween costumes in Advent.
41. Grace to forgive when I don't want to give thanks.
42. Christmas lights.
43. Snuggling in front of the tree.
44. Grace to show me my sins.
45. The ability to give.
46. Wrapping presents.
47. A day all together.
48. Your perfect timing.
49. Employment.
50. Our little girl!
51. Hot chocolate mustaches.
52. Baking cookies with my boys.
53. That they are still little for now.
54. Little boy excitement for Christmas traditions.
55. Conversations in the car.
56. That he's willing to come all that way every night. (When Jeff had to travel for work.)
57. Lessons about waiting.
58. For the gentle way You teach through children.
59. Encouraging words.
60. Harsh words in scripture - full of love.
61. Heavy responsibilities - living epistles.
62. The knowledge that Jesus carries my load - I can't, but he can.
63. Pizza - so I can rest and have a minute to recoop.
64. Sunrise over harvested fields seen through big picture windows.
65. Little boys who want to be my heroes.
66. The excitement of little boys' first "I did it!" 's.
67. Coming home to a house full of love.

Such a beautiful post! I love this transforming journey that we are on by recording 1000 gifts. I've taken up the dare, too! Now an empty nester, I would love to hear little boy feet pounding down wooden stairs. Or, to kiss clean little toes! I'm about to become a grandmother so I especially love #11. On the journey with you..........blessings
ReplyDeleteThank you, Rebecca. Congratulations on becoming a Grandma! You'll hear those little feet and kiss clean toes too. :)