"'And you've quite given [writing] up?' asked Christine.
'Not altogether...but I'm writing living epistles now,' said Anne, thinking of Jem and Co."
- Anne of Ingleside, L.M. Montgomery


Letter Ff

We are currently using a combination of You Can Read and Raising Rockstars, plus whatever else we stumble across. :)

Captain Silly Wiggles is currently 4 years & 1 month old.
Raising Rock Stars

Our learning this week was centered around John 3:16:
For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten son
that whoever believes in him 
shall not perish but shall have everlasting life.
A side note that I can add since I'm posting this a few weeks after we completed the unit: both of the boys are really stuck on this verse.  Cap calls it the Jesus verse and it's his favorite now.  Skidamarink surprised me by reciting it last night.  I tried to get him to repeat it, prompting him with "For...". He proudly responded, "five, six, seven!" It was a good chuckle. :)

Song: For God so Loved the World by GodRocks! 
Letter: Ff
Number: 5
Sight words: a, see, the, and, for
(We are going to try spending a few weeks on each YCR unit, 
plus we'll add to that the sight word from RRSP.)

Once again, the sight reader was a hit.  He continues to want to read all of the books at once and then needs a break before jumping into the workboxes. Here he is reading the book from last week. 

On Monday we...
1. ...did the Getting Ready for Ff worksheet

2. ...worked on his cutting worksheet.  It was an airplane with a jet stream behind it.  He had a blast flying it around the house.

3. ...traced the Ff's on the RRSP worksheets.  He was very careful to stay on all of the lines. After he did some drawing on the page. :)

4. ...built some words with Duplos.  I dug out some duplos and put sticker dots with letters on round label stickers. Cap had a blast "building the word".  He got to play Word World! I got the idea for this one at Filth Wizardry.

5. ...played the clothespin number game.  It is the number counterpart to the Clothespin ABC game from 1+1+1=1 we played last week.  Again, big hit.  You can find this game here.

6. ...played a Cars matching game he got for his birthday.  

On Wednesday we...
1. ...worked on vocab cards.  He traced a few.  We said all of the words together, emphasizing the F sound.  Then he cut them apart very carefully.

2. ...Played with the playdough words. (YCR)  He got these out when I stepped out of the room. When I came back, "for" was all done.  Last week he hated them!

3. ...matched up big and little letters with an egg matching game. I got this idea here.

4...played the Cars matching game.

On Friday we...
1. ...colored the verse.  Again he didn't care too much about it.  One of the ways he's become more interested in writing is by using different materials.  I'm thinking we probably should experiment with some different art materials for coloring pages too.  He scribbled on the page a bit and then gladly moved on.

2. ...played with sight words on our dry erase board.  I had a couple of different ideas.  My first idea was to write the sight words on the board and have him erase the sight word as he read it.  My second idea was to pull out some vocab cards and make sentences for him to read.
Cap's idea was to write the words on the board himself.  I really wish I had gotten a picture of this one, but a little Skidamarink absconded with my camera.  By the time I got it back it was too late.  I love that we had the flexibility to throw away the plans and let him adapt them to what he needed.  If I had pushed the issue of doing things the way I had intended he wouldn't have gotten much out of it and we both would likely have been grumpy.  When he changed the game he had fun and actually learned more - he learned how to form different little letters! Exciting stuff!

Although Cap was very eager to learn this week and although I had lot more planned, we didn't do any more boxes.  We had bigger fish to fry - a trip to Missouri to meet our new nephew/the boys new cousin.  Even though we didn't spend as much time in the boxes as we have in the previous weeks, Cap still mastered the material.  

Even more exciting were the ways he initiated more learning into the weekend.  He's taken an interest in the concept of compound words - talking about them all the time and even coming up with his own examples.  We had long discussions on phonics - him wanting to sound out every letter he saw in environmental print.  It's a good thing we drove the country roads as we came home.  We had long stops at many a stop sign while Cap sounded out each letter. :)  The most fun learning experience was when Dad found a turtle on the side of the road.  We took him back to Grandma and Grandpa's house and spent some time learning about turtles through observation.
We had so much fun this week.  It was so exciting to find all of the ideas for making learning toys from things we already have.  The boys love them and they didn't cost a dime!  Cap is very much a kinesthetic learner and all of the hands-on materials were great for him.  It was fun for me too - making things and sparking ideas for more learning opportunities. Still, best of all was watching the boys take a heightened interest in the world around them.

All of our printables this week came were developed by Carisa at 1+1+1=1. Visit her website for all kids of wonderful resources. You can find her letter Ff printables here and You Can Read Unit 1 here.

The cutting workbook we used is called I Can Cut by School Specialty Publishing.

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